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Sunday, October 7, 2012

The verdict...mixed, but worthy of champagne.

Going into a meeting where the fate of your family’s future is at stake is not an easy task. I, a part-time employed mother and wife, am not in a position to support my family right now, and the reality is, Leon’s job was on the line by deciding to follow his heart and become homeless. 

There are only a few people who have been with us from the beginning of this homeless concept, and who have been supporting and praying for our every move. And going, with dignity, into a meeting that was both nerve-racking, and yet somehow peaceful, was only made possible by God, and those in our lives who were either physically in the meeting to support us, or praying for us at the very time the meeting with our church’s session (the group of elders who make decisions on behalf of the church) was going on. 

The issues at hand: 1. Would Leon keep his job or lose it; 2. Would he be paid for his time away; 3. Would they let Leon keep his health benefits while he was gone, among other discussion points. 

So this afternoon, I got in the car with my good friend Mary, to head to our church’s session meeting today, leaving our kids with a babysitter, and in our short 2 mile drive to the Southlake, Texas...we passed a family standing on the street-corner of White’s Chapel and Southlake Blvd...bundled up in the cold, with two babies, and a sign on cardboard (“Lost my job...something, something...need help”). 

Now, if you do not know anything about Southlake, Texas, I will tell you, this is not the sort of place that we see that particular sight everyday. In fact, Southlake is one of the wealthiest and most sought-after cities to live in America, and is therefore pretty much removed from homelessness and poverty. And yet, here we are, driving to church for this meeting. And we see this family. And we are immediately moved. 

To drive on past this family and do nothing for fear of being late to the meeting would be just the same as Leon feeling called to become homeless and not doing it for fear of what the church would say. And in that moment, Mary and I received more confirmation that God had a plan for Leon, and that He would be there in the meeting.

So we coasted into the meeting, one minute late, and began what felt like an eternity of questioning. Our session asked Leon an array of questions, but in the end, God was there, peace came through, and decisions were reached. I do not know the details of the vote, the pros and cons that were brought up, or the people who were for or against, but in the end, the session voted that Leon will have his job when he finishes this month of homelessness. 

Despite the challenges, questions, and confrontations, it seems as though we will not be job hunting on December 1! So thank you to everyone who prayed, supported, and stood with us during this strange time of we can focus our minds and efforts on more important things. Like preparing for the month November, and all it may hold!

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