Leon, on the phone...the best picture I could get of him to chronicle the beard!
Today, the news goes public about Leon’s homeless challenge for November, and it seems to be sinking in that this is actually happening! Leon is getting his ducks in a row, I am working on the publicity of this whole thing, because selfishly, I am just wanting some MAJOR prayers for this endeavor. I am reminded of all the dangers of the streets of Dallas....muggings, murders, drugs, random acts of violence against homeless people, extreme weather, starvation, etc.......and I get more and more freaked out by what we are heading into.
Leon has moved into “beard growing mode” (pictured above) so that by November, he looks pretty raggedy and homeless. So in spite of the prickly kisses I get on occasion, things are progressing quite nicely.
We told the Circuit Youth, Leon’s youth group tonight and they are completely pumped about this venture. They are already posting on Facebook about Leon’s homeless adventure, and “liking” the Facebook page (facebook.com/haveyouseenleon), and are ready to wear a Have You Seen Leon shirt every day during the month of November, and wearing the wristbands that we have ordered for the entire 30 days. I guess that means I am going to have to wear a Leon shirt everyday and my wristband too....ok, challenge accepted! They especially liked the “Where’s Waldo” aspect of this, where they can follow Twitter sightings of Leon and go to the streets of downtown Dallas and look for him. Hopefully I have found more people to help me keep tabs on Leon in November. They are taking flyers to their schools, telling their friends to come to youth, and are even excited about the fact that I might be leading youth for a month just because they see the vision. I am so inspired tonight because of them!
I know these aren’t children that we are dealing with, but sometimes when we tell adults about what is going on, they just remind us of all the negatives of this challenge. On the contrary, the Circuit Youth have reminded me of the beauty of true faith, the kind Jesus wants us all to have....
In Matthew, Jesus says “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”
And that is something that I constantly need to hear. This is something that is taking extreme faith, and now that it is going public, it is becoming all the more real. So to everyone out there, I encourage to live a life of true faith, and not over think everything. And to Circuit Youth, I thank you for reminding me of how God calls us to live....totally, completely, and unquestioningly in faith that He will do what He says He will do!
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