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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Okokok It has been a while!

So I have been the worst blogger in the history of the world since before Christmas. Our life has been a complete whirlwind of activity lately, and even though signs of it slowing down are still far into the distance, I made myself sit down and get something posted so it doesn't seem so much like we dropped off the face of the planet.

In a nutshell, here's what you've missed:
  • Micah turned 7 months, is crawling, pulling up on furniture, learning to wave, saying slightly more complex things such as "Hi Dada" and the like, and us starting to learn a new side of parenthood....discipline! Still no teeth idea when that is coming!
  • Leon got a new job as a Youth Pastor at a church in Southlake!!!! HUGE answer to prayer....ministry is the only thing he has wanted to do, and he is extremely happy with his new job. He is also leading worship, getting an insanely talented band together, and is thriving right now.
  • I am pretty much exactly the same. Aside from my first ever "lose weight" New Years Resolution, I am just working a little bit for my dad, helping Leon, trying to keep up with Micah, and trying to find some time in there for my job (which is proving to be a trick!). But I think 2011 has some great things in store for the Reyes Family...I can just feel it. 

One of the more special things that kept us busy right after New Year was my grandmother, GG turned 75!! Huge milestone! And as a surprise to her, the whole family (minus Leon who had to work) surprised her with a big party. It was a great time for everyone, and definitely surprised her to say the least. Here is the video from that party...mostly for the fam, but feel free to watch if you want!

The other thing that has happened is that we have maxed out the 500GB hard drive on our computer, so we now are moving all our hours of video to our new 2TB external hard drive. As soon as we get that done, we will have more videos to upload for your viewing pleasure. Thanks for your patience!

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