Ok...time to be honest. I have been told that pregnancy is a beautiful thing, and that I won't mind my growing belly because the life inside of me makes it all worth it. I really need to shoot straight with the world and go on record to say that I really don't feel that way at all! Everyday I wake up hating the way I look and wondering if pregnant people really, honestly do like getting big, or if I'm the only one hating carrying around these extra pounds. My hips are wider, my belly sticks out, I officially cannot fit into any of my normal clothes, I only feel comfortable in sweats, and I really do feel disgusting.
I am sure it will probably not bother me as much once I get to the end result, but this bun in the oven thing is really not that great, and I just think I needed to say what no pregnant mother will ever dare say, because we are supposed to be "glowing" 24/7 right now. Well, I'm not glowing...I'm just plain fat!
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